Fixing stuff around yourself

3 min readMar 29, 2021


Leadership is not about changing the world. It's about taking small steps at any moment of your life. So, on my journey to becoming a leader, what better place to start than your own house.

I am in my bedroom while doing this activity.


I found two things which need to be fixed.

Plants need to be watered

I have not watered the plants in a while and they have become quite dull and losing their color due to a shortage of water. All Bottles need to be filled with water in order to revive the plants.

So, I took out the bottles one by one and fill them with water. Here’s the after pic.

After watering the plants

The other thing which needs to be fixed is my clothes:

Clothes need to be sorted out ( Apologies for the blurry pic)

This pile of clothes is on the table for a while and I have not sorted them out because I was busy. I decided to it today. I need to put them in the closet.

I put those clothes in the closet by category in which I placed the scarves on one side of the closet and shirts on the other side.

After cleaning all my mess.

After doing the task

I felt relieved after doing all the chores I have not done in a while. I guess, if i have not been assigned a project on leadership I would still do half of the work and i would do it by the end of the day because i was determined to complete my work as i had other priorities the next day.

The purpose of writing a simple routine work is to emphasize that you take decisions everyday. You don’t need a large number of people to lead on.You can lead without authority. You can make an impact on environment or on someone’s life without having the authority.The responsibilities you have can help you in taking the initiatives without having an official position.

